Seen in Hudson

We continue to see comments on current events in the store front at 243 Warren St. Most windows are obvious in their intent. I had to ask about the first. I am guessing about the last in this series.



Taste of Hudson

The Annual BeLo3rd Food Event

243 Warren - Nick Haddad

Nick Haddad for Mayor - primary day


Arts Walk October 2011

Arts Walk October 2011

Halloween 2011

Halloween 2011

Nick Haddad election day

Nick Haddad for Mayor - election day

Waiting - for the election results? or just waiting...

Seen in Hudson

For quite a while I have been enjoying the store front windows at 243 Warren St. A mysterious person has been changing the displays in these windows in response to the world outside them. Last night as Karen and I were walking home, I noticed that the windows had changed again. This time to blank white illuminated by the ever present two white lights. So, I walked across the street to take a picture. As I approached, a man walking his dog came up to the door of 243. I asked, “Are you responsible for the windows?” “Yes” came the response. So here I was, in a serendipity of the local, meeting the person responsible for these simple little statements about passing events. ( I hesitate to give his name. Perhaps he will give permission.) 

Turns out that what I thought to be blank is in fact his comment on the day as the tenth anniversary of 9/11.

Below in reverse chronological order are the pictures I have snapped over the past year of his commentary.

Sept 11, 2011

September 11, 2011

Taste of Hudson 9/10/2011

Taste of Hudson 9/10/2011

Marriage Equality Act - NY - 06/24/2011

Marriage Equality Act - NY - 06/24/2011

Memorial Day 05/30/2011

Memorial Day 05/30/2011

Hello Summer May 2011

Hello Summer May 2011

Halloween and Vote - 10/30/2010

Halloween and Vote - 10/30/2010