So I was in the middle of one of my long-delayed projects, depressing two white plastic clean out pipes sticking up in the back yard. Seemed simple. Just dig around the pipes, cut them down and glue on new plastic caps.
Off to Herrington’s to buy the new plastic caps – I already have the glue from an earlier bathroom project.
On my return I discover that the pipe in the ground is not what I thought it to be. Back to Herringtons – I explain my error and the sales person, sorry I never got his name, said, “Oh, there is a simpler solution, you need a Fernco!”
What is a Fernco? – turns out that I had used them earlier, many years ago then forgotten this line of neoprene plumbing fittings. I never would have thought of it. But, buy local and someone at Herringtons will remind you.