
MMO Running in 5K race 2003 Mr. Wonderful’s World – CurrentMatters contains occasional work by Mark Orton. Most of my writing about politics, economics, racism, the general state of the world can be found at AmericanDelusions.com

This is a photo of me in 2005 at some 5K road race. ((05242013 – must note that after a tennis injury last summer a trip to an orthopod led to the conclusion that my knees are wearing out. I am now limiting my running to just tennis. Walking and bikes only for aerobics, otherwise. My last  5K was the Ghostly Gallop in 2011))

You can be sure that I was near the back of the slow pack.

Below is my 2012 headshot for my time as a Trustee of Hudson Area Library (current and 2009 – 2016; President 2011 – 2016).mark-orton-library

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