Are you a user of Verizon “High Speed Internet” DSL Service?
We have been experiencing very annoying problems with our Verizon DSL internet service on lower Warren St. since early March 2013. ((We have no complaints about speed or ping. We very reliably get 6.5 MB/S download and 0.6 MB/S upload with a ping of less than 100 milliseconds – we never said that about Mid-Hudson Cable))
Do you have troubles:
- connecting to a TIVO box?
- using Netflix on a Roku box?
- uploading files using FTP whether embedded in a software package like Dreamweaver or an FTP utility like Fetch?
- other strange service problems?
If you do or have other troubles with your Verizon DSL service I would like to hear from you. Contact me at: “mark at”. Or use the form on the Contact page